Monday, October 31, 2011

Ghoulish Popcorn Balls


Halloween is finally here. 
Are you ready to get your Ghoul on?

Are you going trick or treating?

Will you be giving out frightful treats?

My little monsters are amped up and ready to hit the houses up for candy. 
Their costumes are made, thanks to me, mommy of the year
and we are all ready to go.

I'm NOT ready for the hyper, bouncing the wall kids whom I will want to hang by their toes after consumption of all this candy.

This is when as parents, we wish for pencils and fruit to be given out. 
Okay maybe not fruit....there are too many crazies out way my kids getting poisoned apples.
No fruit or homemade treats from strangers houses for my kids.

Years ago it was safe to eat popcorn balls that were handed out to trick or treaters.
Now you have to inspect even store bought candy that was given out.

Popcorn balls are a family Halloween tradition for my husband. 
His mother made them for him EVERY year.

This year I thought I'd start the tradition in our home.
I called my mother-in-law and got her recipe.

She told me what to do and said to work fast and it was hot. 
She did not tell me I was going to scald the hell out of my hands.
NOT fun.

After making the darn things I quickly texted her......
"Some things in life are best left for mothers.  Next year your son's balls are all yours."
I had to add a little humor, after all I was in pain here.

After the pain subsided, I placed the popcorn balls in a cute Halloween cello bag 
and tied with satin ribbon. 
I'm a sucker for cute packaging.

The final results were great and the kids loved them.
Seeing their cute little faces gobble them up was worth my scorched hands.

If you wish to take a chance with death and want to make these cute treats for your little ghouls,  just follow the recipe below.

Popcorn Balls

4-5 quarts of popped popcorn (I use a air popper)
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup water
1/3 cup white corn syrup
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup unsalted butter
green food coloring (I use AmeriColor)

place sugar, water, corn syrup, salt, butter and food coloring in a saucepan. Cook on med/high heat until it forms a hard ball (260 degrees). 

After it reaches a hard ball add vanilla.

Remove from heat and pour over popcorn. Mix it fast.

Butter hands and form balls.

*do not try to mix it with your hands like my husband told me to do.....use a wooden spoon. Use your hands to farm balls AFTER it is thoroughly mixed*

After balls are formed place popcorn in a cute Halloween Cello bag and tie with a ribbon.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Breast Cancer cookies


This is not a subject I wish to even bring up. 
I HATE cancer. 

It's the one thing I would give up every possession I own, if it meant finding a cure. 

Cancer has taken away so many family members on my mothers side.
If they passed away, it was from cancer. 

Each family member had a different type of cancer....
None were the same (that I'm aware of).

I've only known one person in my family have breast cancer, 
and that was my Aunt.

She was my godmother and very dear to me.
It was the one person I could tell everything to.
She was always there for me.

I'm not sure how old she was when she had breast cancer, but I know she had one breast removed.

Sadly, she died when I was a teenager. 
This was my first experience with a death in the family and I took it pretty hard.
She was everything to me.

We have so many fond memories of her.

We would go to her home every year for Thanksgiving. 
My aunt would have ALL of my favorite finger foods and snacks.
There were so many great memories.

Many of you are faced with breast cancer every day.
I wish there was a way I could ease your pain.
Most of all I wish for a cure. 

Since October is breast cancer awareness month I made some breast cancer cookies.
Please do not take insult to my designs.
I meant no disrespect.

I'm aware it's a touchy subject and some are offended by such "boobie" related slogans.
Sincerely, I mean no disrespect and just want to raise awareness.

Please be sure to have a breast exam every could save your life.

Also there's a great site called Frosting For The Cause. I'll be guest posting there at the end of November. Please check their site out.  Each day a blogger guest post on their site sharing something they baked and a personal story about cancer. Please give these bloggers your support.
They are frosting for the cause.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Brownies with Candy Corn M&M's

It's almost Halloween! 

Are you all ready? Are you dressing up?

Whose dressing up as what?

Every year I make every one's costumes. 
I normally dress up but this year things just got away from me.
 I did however make the two babies their costumes. My three year old is going to be a witch and her baby sister is going as her black cat.

Cute huh? 

Well since Brownies are one of my favorite desserts I thought 
I should make you some Halloween brownies!

I picked up some candy corn M&M's from the store this hubby loves candy corn.
They were perfect for making him brownies. 

I prepared brownie mix as usual (out the box).
After pouring the mix in a greased baking dish, 
I sprinkled the candy corn M&Ms over the top.

The candy melts into the brownies. After the brownies are done, take them out
of the oven and add more candy corn M&Ms to the top. 
Serve warm.

These brownies didn't last very long. 
These were quick and easy and perfect for your little goblins. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rich and Creamy Cheesecake With Caramel Drizzle

Okay, lets talk about CARAMEL....

My husband says it all wrong and he knows it bugs the snot out of me, 
  lot of things do lol.

I tell him all the time...


You can't leave out the is not a silent A. sure is yummy isn't it.

We wont even get started on how he says Pecan. 
I'm from Louisiana, and I will quickly correct him.
After all, that's what good wives do....right?

How do you pronounce it?

Well even if you pronounce it wrong, you should still make this cheesecake.
It's fantastic.....I think I ate half of it....ALONE.

Classic Cheesecake

1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
3 Tbsp. sugar
1/3 cup butter, melted

2 lbs cream cheese, at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. pure vanilla
4 eggs

Pre-heat oven to 325˚ 

Combine graham cracker crumbs, 3 Tbsp. sugar and butter.  Press mixture onto bottom of a 9 inch springform pan.

Beat cream cheese, 1 cup sugar and vanilla on medium speed until well mixed. Reduce mixer speed to low. Add eggs one at a time, mix just until blended after each egg. 

Pour filling in pan, over the crust.

Bake for 55-70, or until the center is almost set. Remove from oven and let set 10 minutes on a wired rack. Loosen cake from rim of pan. Let cake completely cool before removing rim.

Refrigerate the cake, loosely covered for 4-6 hours.

Before serving drizzle cake with warmed caramel sauce. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Onsie Cookies for Baby Rhyan.....

My friend Stephanie had her first baby !!!!
A little girl.
Her name is Rhyan and
 Oh is she a beauty.

I'm not saying that because she's my friends baby. 
She really is beautiful.
Hey, not all babies are born pretty.  
My son had a cone head when he FINALLY decided to grace me with his presence. 

When her baby arrived I was so excited to use my baby themed cookie cutters. 
I wanted to get them made quicker but life happened and things got busy. 
She is two weeks old and one of the prettiest little things 
I've seen....other then my own :)

Wish you could eat the cookies baby Rhyan....
but no worries, I'll make you lots of cakes and cookies 
when you EVENTUALLY get teeth :)

~Throw on your heels and get to baking~

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'll Love You Forever......

Kleenex anyone?


Well this is a tough day for me.

My baby is all grown up.
No more Tonka trucks.
No more dinosaurs.
No more bedtime stories.

I'll try to get through this without balling like a big baby.....
Oh who am I kidding, I'm crying already.

Eighteen years ago I was 41 weeks pregnant. That's a week longer than full term.
 A whole week late!
Do you have any idea how long a week is to a pregnant woman?'s FOREVER

After a very long labor, you arrived. 
You were the most perfect thing I ever saw.
7 lbs 7.7 oz

I brought you home and my life has never been the same.
You are my entire world.

We have EIGHTEEN years of memories.
Too many to even list.
So I picked my best memories of you.
Things that over the years that remind me of you every time I see them.

1. The sailor suit....... I brought you home from the hospital in this outfit. You were so tiny and cute. I never put you down to even sleep. You slept on my chest.

2. The Birthday're very first birthday. We stripped you down to your diaper and let you attack the cake.....You did NOTHING. You just poked it with your finger. Mommy thanks you for that.

3. The Lion.......The very first movie we ever went to see was The Lion King. That movie will always make me think of you.

4. Love you forever .....I've read  Love You Forever to you many times over the years. I still have the book and I will give it to you on the day you become a father. I still cry every time I read it.

5. Alligators......What is it with boys and alligators? We've been to alligator farms, bought alligator heads, and even eaten alligator meat.  You've always been fascinated with alligators.

6. The barn.....oh this reminds me of you and Texas. You've always been a Texas boy right down to the core.....even though you're from New Orleans. You're heart is always in Texas. I'm not sure if it's the farms, boots or cowboy hats....but you love Texas.

7. Cowboy hats and boots........These were a must when you were little.  Like American Express, you never left home without them.

8. love fishing.  When you were about 7 you took some of my thread, a stick and a hook and made your own pole.  It was so cute.....and sure enough you caught a fish. You were so excited.  You take after your Paw Paw and can fish your butt off.

9. spiders....I can't begin to count the crazy amount of spiders you've squished for me or rubber one's you threw on me.

10. Turtle...Oh you were always finding turtles...and every time you found one, you would name it Rocky.....maybe because we watched that movie daily!

11. Shark....That's another movie you straight up WORE out. Jaws.....I'll never go in the water again after all the years of you making me watch that.

12. basketball.....Upward basketball every year at church.  I went to every game. I love watching you play ball.

13.'re first year of football started after we had to stay with family in Texas because of Hurricane Katrina. The coaches were so impressed. They thought you had played for years.

14. baseball.....You were the only player that could bat both right and left handed.  This was the first sport you ever played. You were too cute in your baseball uniform. Ahhh,  MEMORIES.

15. dinosaurs......what boy doesn't like dinosaurs? Your love of dinosaurs started with the movie, Jurassic Park. When you was about four we were in Texas on vacation. The cows mooed in the distance. Your eyes got so big and you said.....DI-SAUR. We couldn't help but giggle.

16. fire truck.....or a FRUCK as you called it. Took you forever to get that word right.

17. skull and could I ever forget the "nasty bones" as you would call it.  Every time you saw this symbol on the menu at South Side Bar and Grill. You were too funny.

18. The diamond ring......It shouldn't be hard to guess why I chose this one......You were four and I was a lonely single mom who just left an abusive husband. One day I was crying and you looked up at me with those big blue eyes and said , "mommy, when I grow up will you marry me?"
This will always be my FAVORITE memory of you.

It's been EIGHTEEN memorable years....
and I wouldn't change one single thing about it.
Thank you for all the joy you have brought into my life.

I"ll love you forever,
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be


~Throw on your heels and get to baking~

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Let the Cauldron BUBBLE......

My three year old is going to be a witch this year for Halloween. As always I will be making their costumes. TuTu's all the way.....girls are fun.

Well we found a cute, realistic looking broom and she begged for it.  So we did as any parents do and we did what the child wanted.  After all she is three and her cries are LOUD. 

We left the store with the broom and you know she wanted to hold once again, we did as she requested.  Well for you parents out there, you should know that giving your child what he or she ask for does not always guarantee the absence of LOUD crying.

The tears began....and crying and talking do not mix. 
We don't speak cry as my husband would say. This child cried for what seemed like an eternity.  Realistically it may have been two minutes, but it truly seemed like forever.

After calming the spoiled child down, we could finally understand her. 
"My broom is broke, daddy.  It's not working.  It won't fly" she said in her saddest voice ever....including big puppy dog eyes (these along with tears only work on daddies)
Daddy quickly replied, "Call you're I-Ya (grandma) and borrow hers. She's got plenty".
She did just that too. She called her I-ya.

I-ya would not loan out her broom.....she said it was her busy season and needed it. 

although I-ya wouldn't loan out the broom,
the child was happy and the world was good again.
I-ya's fix everything!

Since my mother-in-law claims to have her costume on year round and brooms on standby at a moments notice (her words NOT mine), 
I thought why not make some witch themed cookies 
for her and those she wishes to cast spells upon at work. 

Every witch needs a cauldron, so cauldron cookies was what I made.
I did warn her that black cookies turn your mouth black....she was NOT the least bit concerned. 
She's so easy to please.......I wonder if she cast a spell on me to say that?

~Throw on your heels and get to baking~

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Superhero Cake for a True Hero

I'm not a huge fan of making cakes.  
Don't get me wrong I love doing them, but they never come out just like I want them. They aren't like cookies and cupcakes. With those I can make extra and if I mess up, I just toss that one and make another. Not so with cakes.  We don't bake four and five and choose the best one.

However, when the wife of a soldier contacts you to make a cake for her returning husband....
you say YES!
Then you pray the darn thing comes out good and they love it.

She had a picture of what she wanted, the cake design is NOT my own, but one she found online. 
We changed it a bit and made it for a soldier. 

Her husband is a HUGE Superman fan, so it was perfect. 

It came out great and the customer loved it. 

Welcome home Soldier!
Thanks for your service and a job well done.
You're wife missed you and we are all very glad you are home safe in her arms.

Cut out superman logo

Cut out yellow background  and place logo on top

Roll out round piece of fondant in blue. Make sure it's the size of your cake top.

Make camouflage fondant. Roll in circle size of cake top. Slice top to center. Fold back at cut to form collar. Add name tag. Ice the rest of cake and trim.

*Name has been blacked out for security purposes*

~Throw on your heels and get to baking~

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hawaiian Banana Nut Bread....without the nuts

Do you ever feel like you're raising little pigs? 
I mean seriously I think I have pigs in my house. I've never seen something disappear so fast. 
They eat so much of this they just about get sick. 

My husband hates nuts. this is hard for a New Orleans girl because we live off of seafood and pecans.  It took me forever to get him to eat seafood. 
 He may have started liking it because he would have starved otherwise. I cook with seafood a lot.

I've adapted the recipe to suit what we like.  
Since the hubby doesn't eat nuts I left them out and I added more pineapple.

This recipe is very easy to make and has to be one of the best I've had. 

I adapted this recipe from The Southern Living Cookbook ©1987.  
It's older than dirt.  
When my mother died a few years ago all her cookbooks were given to me so it's cherished....even though it smells of

Hawaiian Banana Nut Bread
(adapted from The Southern Living Cookbook)

3 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts
3 eggs beaten
1 cup vegetable oil
2 cups mashed ripe bananas
1 (14-oz) can crushed pineapple, drained
2 tsp pure vanilla extract

Mix together flour, salt, baking soda, sugar and cinnamon. Stir in nuts. Set aside. In separate bowl combine remaining ingredients then add to flour mixture. Just mix until ingredients are combined. 

Spoon batter into 2 greased and floured loaf pans. 

Bake at 350˚ for 1 hour 15 minutes or until you can insert a toothpick into center and it comes out clean. Remember every one's oven is different and you may need to adjust the cooking time or temperature.

Cool bread in pans for 10 minutes then remove from pans and allow to cool on a wired racks. 

~Throw on your heels and get to baking~

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ballerina dreams.....

Here they are......My ballerina tu tu cookies. This is my first attempt at making ruffles. Aren't these the cutest little girlie cookies?  Pink, ruffles and glitter.....what could be better?

When my two oldest daughters were little I made all of their Halloween costumes.

One year I made them ballerina costumes. They were so excited. We even set up a little photo shoot. It was fun and just something we always did......we played a lot.

This is one of my favorite pictures of them in these costumes.  This picture was taken during a time when they just loved each other so much, and NEVER got into a fight.

Now it's she did this and she did that....typical teenager stuff.  They share a room, which I am sure doesn't help.

When I found this cookie cutter from Copper Gifts, I had to get it.  It's item #2043 (I altered my cookie before I put it in the oven)

It reminded me so much of my four daughters, who all have a love of dancing....and just being girls.

I've been wanting to try making ruffles on a cookie for a while. This was the perfect opportunity.  It is my first attempt and certainly not perfected yet, but I will continue to practice until it's just the way I want it.....I'm a bit OCD.

~Throw on your heels and get to baking~

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dexter Cupcakes with handmade royal icing knives.....

Word of advise.....Never watch Dexter when your husband is working all night.

I've certainly had my fair share of dumb ideas but this is the DUMBEST  idea ever!

I should be watching Little House on the Prairie or something like that....not Dexter.

But here I am watching it as I type,  thinking of a plain of attack.... just in case bad scary stuff happens tonight.

Well I made some cupcakes for you today. I just used a vanilla box mix and topped with almond buttercream frosting.  Then I drizzled red tinted buttercream that was thinned down on top of cupcake. It's simple and easy.

I topped the cupcakes with mini royal icing knives.

To make these knives you will need:
 royal icing tinted grey
 royal icing tinted black
sliver luster dust
piping bags
#2 icing tip
knife printout
wax paper

tape a sheet of wax paper over a printout of a knife. Next simply pipe over knife design. Allow to dry.

Add silver rivets on knife handle. (not shown in picture) Allow to dry over night.

Be sure the knives are completely dry. Make extra to allow for a few breaking.  No matter how careful you are, a few WILL break.

After knives dry completely, carefully remove from wax sheet. Insert knife into top of cupcake.


~Throw on your heels and get to baking~

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Spinach & Artichoke dip....with Halloween chips

 My family loves spinach & artichoke dip.  Every time we go out to dinner, if the restaurant has it, they order it.

In my opinion they all skimp on the artichoke.  Probably a way to keep production cost down.  Well, my family deserves better than skimpy dip.

There are many different versions of Spinach & Artichoke dip available.  I searched high and low for the perfect dip but couldn't settle on I made my own recipe.  Why not, right?

It was a HUGE hit in my house.  Instead of keeping it all to myself, I thought I would share it with you all. After all, everyone deserves good dip.

It is perfect for Sunday football or just game night with the kids.

I picked up some Halloween colored chips at the store......they just went perfect with the dip and made it look all Halloween-ish.

Spinach & Artichoke Dip

1 14 oz can of artichokes, drained and sliced in chunks
1 lb cream cheese, room temperature
8 oz mascarpone cheese, room temperature
1 c parmesan cheese, grated
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
1 clove of garlic, chopped
1 14 oz pkg frozen spinach


Preheat oven to 325˚

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl or stand mixer except artichokes. After everything is throughly mixed, fold in artichokes being careful not to break them up a lot.

spray a baking pan with non-stick cooking spray.  Spoon dip into the greased baking dish.

Bake  30-40 minutes or until bubbling and the center is hot.

Serve with a side of chips.

~Throw on your heels and get to baking~

Saturday, October 8, 2011

300 Facebook likes Giveaway

I can't believe I've hit 300 facebook fans.  I never thought that would happen.

Less than two months ago I started this journey.

I was a lonely housewife with five kids.   Those of you who have kids know that you give them your all.  After that, there isn't much left for yourself.   Not much time for anything.

I've always been big on cooking, after all I'm from New Orleans.   Emeril Lagasse is my idol, my favorite chef by far.

I never saw myself baking.  It just wasn't my thing.....Unless it was a box of brownies or cake mix.  Baking was for my mom.  She didn't cake/cookie decorate, but she made some delicious desserts from scratch.

I dabbled a bit with baking when we were stationed in Germany.  One Wilton cake decorating class and I was hooked on cake decorating.  A few cakes and cupcakes later and I kind of stopped.  New babies sort of consumed my time.

After returning to Louisiana, my husband deployed.....again.

When his Aunt S sent out an email with bra and pantie cookies, I knew I just had to make them for my husband and the other deployed soldiers.

Took a look at the picture, found a recipe for cookies online and began the cookie process.  I used the Wilton royal icing recipe at that time.

The cookies were a hit with the soldiers.....why wouldn't they....they were lingerie....they've been looking at camouflage for months.

Everyone loved my cookies.

Then my youngest daughter had her first birthday and I took a hand at using fondant. It went well.

Next was my three year old was having a  birthday and she wanted a Tangled cake....I could not disappoint her, so I took my first try at a rice crispy tower on a cake....after all Cake Boss can do it right? Why not me.

Family and friends told me I should sell my cakes, but we are always our biggest critics.

I made two repeats of my bra and pantie cookies for an order and got the same need to sell these. faith here.

I stumbled upon The Adventures of Sweet Sugarbelle's and Bake at 350's blog pages.  Their cookies were so inspiring.  They are always very encouraging of their readers to take a try at I did.

I made a few of Sugarbelle's designs and they came out great. She was my biggest inspiration.

Then there was the humorous blogger Confessions of a Cookbook Queen's blog. I felt like she was talking about me....a lot.  Everyone loves hearing her she was the inspiration for starting a blog.

I owe these woman a lot.  SO they are the inspiration behind this giveaway.

The hardback cupcake book and cupcake bites represents the Cookbook Queen.

The cookie cutters represent Sugarbelle and Bake at 350.  If it wasn't for their inspiration I would have never started this blog or all this cookie-ing. Thank you ladies.  It gives me so much to look forward to each day.

Enough of me babbling......I do that a lot.....

On to the GIVEAWAY

1. To enter you must first be a follower of my blog.

2. leave a message below telling me who has been an inspiration in your life.

3. Include your email so I can contact the winner.

Winner will be chosen by

I will accept entries until October 15th 8pm Central daylight time.

Good luck to all my readers. Without you this blog would not exist as well.

*This giveaway is not sponsored in any way. All items were purchased by myself. I do not endorse any of the items*

~Throw on your heels and get to baking~

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Crazy About Owls...

Okay I have to ask......What's the deal with the owl obsession?

Everyone is not cuckoo over cocoa puffs, they're cuckoo over OWLS.

When my daughter signed me up to bring desserts for a class party owls were NOT on my mind.

 I wanted to make cute Halloween cookies.  However, Miss B had other plans.  She wanted owls.....cute girlie owls.

I remembered seeing some owl cookies by one of my favorite cookie makers, Sweet Sugarbelle.  She is always so inspiring. to the kitchen I went to make owl cookies, because what Miss B wants, Miss B usually gets.

No, I have not jumped on the owl bandwagon.....sorry I just haven't....not YET anyway.  I just didn't see the "cuteness" that everyone else saw.....UNTIL I made these.

I NEVER admit when I am wrong.  So I'm not going to say I was wrong and owls are cute, just that I make cute cookies....will that work? Yeah, we'll go with that.

To make these cookies you'll need:
royal icing tinted pink, green, turquoise, yellow, black and white
#3 i icing tip
#2 icing tip (for feathers only)
disposable bags

1.  First make eyes on cookie. Let dry. 
Then outline the brown parts of the owl. Let dry 30 min.

  2.  Fill in brown area of owl with flood icing. Let dry 3-4 hours.  If you have bleeding issues with your icing, let it dry a bit longer.

Here's where it gets tricky....because your blogger (me) forgot to take pictures.  So you will have to rely on your imagination. 

3.  Next outline pink area of owl. Let dry 30 min then fill with pink flood icing. 
(imaginary picture here)
let dry 3-4 hours.

4.  add flower bow to owl and orange beak.

5. pipe green scallop design on owl's belly for feathers.

6. pipe owls feet. (three little vertical dashes)

For other cute owl cookies, check out Sweet Sugarbelle's blog.

~Throw on your heels and get to baking~

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I See You Shiver With ANTICI. . . .PATION

 The Rocky Horror Picture Show.........

This has to be my all time favorite movie....EVER!

I think it's more because of the memories, then the actual movie itself.

It was years ago when I was fourteen.  My mom and her best friend Cathy decided to take their two daughters (Jennifer and I) to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  Now this is NOT a child's movie, but our mom's were COOL like that.

The movie only played at midnight, so off we went to the midnight showing.

In case you have no clue what the "big hype" about this movie is, I'll explain it's FUN-NESS.  It's an audience participation movie.  I wanted to go the minute mom told me I could throw rice at the wedding scene.....Really mom, throw rice?  Oh, I was so there!

So off we went to get supplies for the movie. We needed rice, newspaper, lighter, water gun, party blowers, and a few other things.

We arrived and waited in line.  There were people dressed up as the movie characters waiting outside.  This was about the most exciting thing that I ever went to.....I lived a dull life....hey, I was fourteen.

After waiting in a very long line, we found seats (no back row for us) and waited for the movie to start.  Apparently the back row was the x-rated row.....we didn't ask.

The movie began and LET THERE BE LIPS......I loved the red lips singing.

Then the group of people dressed as the characters were on the stage under the screen playing the movie.  They acted out the entire move! They shouted out different things all throughout the movie, like name calling Janet, among other things.  For a teenager it was the "coolest" thing we ever went to.

Frank n Furter came down in these heels and it was time to dance.....The Time Warp. (*notice my torn fishnets*)

.....oh how I love the time warp. 

Everyone seemed to get up and do the dance..  Que music.....

It's just a JUMP to the LEFT..... 

and then a STEP to the RIGHT.......

put your Hands on your HIPS.........

you BRING your knees in TIGHT.......

but it's the PELVIC THRUST.....

that really DRIVES you INSANE.


After the move was over, we were wet from the rain and full of rice from the wedding.  SERIOUSLY we had rice in our bras, pants, you name it. YES, there was that much rice being thrown.

It's now many, many years later and I still love The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  It will always be one of my favorites and will always be a great memory of my mother and I.

Have you seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show?

What's you're favorite scene or quote?  Favorite character?

If you haven't been to see this movie, I insist you go see it.....NOT at home on DVD but in the THEATRE as it's meant to be watched.

I hope you enjoyed looking at my cookies. These were so fun for me to make.  Be sure to leave a comment telling me how great they are, because well,  I spend all my time baking and don't get out to see I just need to feel good about myself and know I am loved :)

Oh and before I forget......I'll be having a giveaway soon to celebrate reaching 200 likes on facebook. Be sure to follow my blog so you don't miss any updates or great cookies like these.

~Throw on your heels and get to baking~

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Slice of Life.......Dexter Cookies

The new season of DEXTER will be on tonight!!!!!

For those of you who don't know what Dexter is about, I'll explain.  Dexter is a forensic Blood Splatter analyst who is also a serial killer. He kills those who have gotten away with their crimes. Very good stuff! 

Okay this is one of my FAVORITE television shows.  I just love all the crime series......Dexter, CSI, Cold Case, just to name a few.  It's no wonder I'm scared when I'm home alone at night.

Never the less, I love them.  We started watching Dexter when we lived in Germany.  I was instantly hooked on it.

 It's my one and only reason for justifying the OUTRAGEOUS cable bill I pay.   I need to have Dexter....and True Blood.

With the upcoming premiere of Dexter Season 6,  it was no surprise, I had to make some cookies.  There were so many ideas floating around in my head with this one. The design I settled on was quite simple. As a matter of fact, my three year old did the blood splatter.  These are great cookies to make for a  beginner.

To make these Dexter inspired cookies you'll need:

  • white royal icing
  • red royal icing
  • square scalloped cookies
  • #2 tip
  • disposable piping bags
  • paint brush used ONLY for food products
  1. Make cookies using your favorite sugar cookie recipe.  Allow to cool.
  2. Outline cookies with white royal icing using #2 tip.  Let dry 30 minutes.
  3. fill entire cookie with royal icing.  Allow to dry completely. 6-8 hours.
  4. thin down red royal icing to the consistency of milk.....very watery.  
  5. Dip paint brush into thin red royal icing. Splatter the cookies. DO NOT touch cookie with paint brush. You are just slinging the icing on the cookie for a splatter effect.  Allow cookie to dry a few hours. 
This cookie is so EASY even a beginner can do it.  Like I said, my three year old did the splattering.  It wasn't mess free, but it was FUN for her.

So who else watches Dexter?  Are you ready for the season premiere tonight?
