Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Merry Christmas to each and every one of you.

I hope your day has been filled with Joy and much happiness.

I know I haven't blogged in a while, but we traveled home to New Orleans for all of two days to visit the family quickly before coming home to wait for Santa. It was a fast, in a blink of an eye kinda trip.

So I didn't get to blog....but I did miss you and I did make you some amazing cookies.

Do you all have Julia Usher's new book, Ultimate Cookies? If not you must.....seriously she shows you some amazing tips. I've got three cookies to show you today. The first one I made from Julia Usher's book. GO order it really is good!

Here's the first cookie I made....

SNOW GLOBES!!! I just love snow globes. 3D too....Julia Usher shows you how to make these in her book too!.....just one of the many techniques she teaches.

Next I made Santa cookies.....

I mean what Christmas would be complete without Santa cookies right? 

Then there were the green and red ornament cookies I made. Topped them off with some gold disco dust and ta daaaa they were done. 
  And last but not least were the Santa hats. They were fun to make and with the edible glitter they looked like the fur was on them for real. Cute huh?

Well I sure hope everyone is enjoying Christmas with the people they love most. I know I am. Today it's all about them.....tomorrow....back to cookies. 

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family also. Lovely cookies as always!

