Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Valentine Heart Cookies

Ok......let's talk about spiders. Yes SPIDERS.  I'm so afraid of spiders it isn't funny.

I'm constantly looking out for those eight legged creatures.

Well last night I'm in the shower getting ready to wash my hair and  I give the shower a look over for spiders......a few times.

 NONE.....this is always a GREAT thing.

Then it comes time to pick up my scrunchy body washy thingie.....you know what I'm talking about,  and you have some crazy name for it too.

ANYWAY, it occurs to me that a big spider could be nestled up in that sucker somewhere.

NO WORRIES.....it was spider free.

However, I'm becoming more aware that I've got a spider problem. I swear it must have taken me fifteen more minutes to take a shower because of my mad spider search.

No, Seriously I lost fifteen whole minutes of my dull life looking for spiders when I could have used that fifteen minutes to cookie.....or finally fold that laundry. But I did my search anyway......as always.

And yes......I shake out the towel before using it. There could be one of those nasty things in their hiding...waiting to pounce on me.

I've got major issues. I admit it. That's the first step right?


Alrighty, lets get on with the cookies. That's really what you're here for and not to hear me babble about my psychological issues.

So happy sweet love thoughts right?

Thoughts of Love, Hearts, roses.....Valentine's Day cookies.


  1. Your hearts are so pretty, very nice piping work!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous !!


  3. I do the same spider thing so you are not alone in the crazy. Wish we had decorating skills in common too. ♥ them

  4. OMG! I totally do the same!!! Especially the towel thing...only I don't mind spiders. If you see the cockroaches we have out here, spiders are a no problemos thing.. cockroaches though? EEEEK!!!

  5. The cookies are very pretty!!!  Nice job :-)   I hate spiders too!  And to think they are so small and would not hurt me.  I don't know... I still scream when I see one and HAVE to kill it.  I cannot go to sleep at night if I knew there was a spider in my house!  Haha

  6. Beautiful cookies! Laughed SO hard with the spider issue. I don't like them either, don't get me wrong, but still that was FUNNY :-) When we go to the cabin up in Bear Valley, I shake everything out and check the bed before getting in, but at home, I don't worry about it. It's very helpful to have a 17-year old boy in the house too!

  7. It's very helpful. My son is 18 and when I scream he comes running. 

  8. These cookies are so great Giselle.  I'm featuring them on my blog post today.  Happy Tuesday to you!
