Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Love you cookies

Yippie! My tv programs are off of their holiday break!

In my opinion they really didn't need a break. I didn't get one....and my life is certainly a lot happier when I have my tv programs to watch.

Seriously, this entire time of "their break" I lost out on quality education.

I didn't get to finish up my medical education (Grey's Anatomy)

I didn't learn how to be the perfect housewife (Desperate Housewives) ....by the way, Bree is my idol!

I forgot useful tips on WHAT NOT TO DO if I so choose to murder someone. (CSI Las Vegas & Miami)

And I really wanted to brush up on what to do if I ever encounter an Original (Vampire Diaries)

and I forgot how funny it was when someone JUST GOT LICKED (Lizard Licked)

See....life isn't the same without your television programs. Keep in mind I have to record EVERYTHING on the DVR because EVERY television in the house is being taken over by someone else.

I know these people were taught how to SHARE......because ummmm DUH I'm the mother of them...well all but one....and He's married to me and not seeing me make pouty faces should be enough for him to share the tv, but apparently it's not. Video games win.

I'd even be happy if he was a football watching husband because well, I LOVE to watch the Saints play, but no I can watch him slay dragons, the undead, and many other weird idontevenknowwhattheyare things.  Real educational stuff.

See my programs are educational (see above list) and theirs are not! So why is it that I get less tv time than anyone? Go figure. It is what it is. At least I have you guys to talk to.....and my cookies.

I love them, even if they are all greedy.

So....I made them I love you cookies. In different languages.

Hey, I gotta teach them something. Apparently they didn't get the "sharing" lesson.


  1. So cute. Love it.:)

  2. Astrid ten Berge-BendersJanuary 10, 2012 at 10:06 AM

    Just loved to read your post! Keep up the great work! :-)

  3. These cookies are totally darling!!! Love you're posts! ;) You rock! But how on earth can you look up to Bree? lol Common! We all know that Susan Delfino  is the best. ;) lol

  4. These are really cute. Everything on your site is a real treat for the eyes. I'm so glad I found my way here. You've created a great place for your readers to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  5. Too funny about the television shows.  I'm so happy that they are all back from their Christmas break.  I love The Good Wife and Grey's.  I also love your cookies.  The little bit of red is so stunning against the white background.

  6. The Good Wife? Never heard of that one.....I've so gotta check it out.

  7. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great day as well.

  8. Susan???? Seriously Dejah, that woman is a mess. Bree has it together for the most part....at least when she's not drinking. She's so me, always cooking and baking. 

  9. Thanks so much.

  10. I laughed so hard reading your list of educational television ;-) Like you, I don't get the tv often because they are all being occupied by others that don't share or really they think the world revolves around them sometimes ;-) BUT I figured out a way. My mom bought me an iPad for Christmas and I pretty much just plug myself in and watch my stuff on the iPad while decorating cookies. Hubby is happy that I'm not asking for the teeniest of tv time :-) Beautiful cookies as always Giselle!

  11. Yeah, Cristin So many televisions and I still don't get a turn....lol. It's ok I'd rather cookie. Sometimes I'll put netflix on at my computer in my cookie room while I work. 
